Infected Freaks Review

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INFECTED FREAKS by Author Jason Borrego is dangerous and unpredictable.

I picked the book up through kindle unlimited and didn’t expect much. However, as I read on I discovered Abraham’s tale is as close to the literary masterpiece written by Cormac McCarthy—the Road as I have read.

The hopeless of a world divided and torn apart is brought to life through deep characters that you actually want to route for—something missing in most end of the world tales.

Abraham must protect his family while navigating the post-apocalyptic America that was torn apart by a vicious Civil War. He has nothing but despair surrounding him.

Like the Road, what happened to get society to a point of rapid decay isn’t the main focus. It’s the story of the characters struggling, and those characters alone, at the center of the main plot.

The beauty of INFECTED FREAKS when compared to The Road, however, is that it’s fully developed, complete with all of the vulnerability, uncertainty and perpetual insecurity such a situation inherently provides.

The best part is the zombies are something different. The author refers to the infection as a cordyceps fungus infection. This is a real phenomenon in were the fungi infects the host and takes total control through the brain. Google zombie ants for more details.

The best part is the fungi may be related to an alien planet approach the Earth, or not. The author does a good job keeping options open and not giving away everything at once. Either way the fungus grows and keeps the host alive, taking away their will and turning them into a mindless being meant to serve—think zombie, but not exactly.

INFECTED FREAKS flawlessly intertwines satisfying, tough-choice based decisions with a stellar original narrative in a popular genre. It never slows down, it never lets up, and honestly, it never disappoints.

I can’t wait for book two to see what direction the story takes…


  1. Jackie Bennett says:

    At first glance I. Didn’t know if the book would be any good But I ,m glad I read it when u start reading it. you can’t put it down


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